Hare Krishna

Ashwin Wadte

Developer - Designer - Spiritual Seeker

I am a developer and open source lover doing B. Tech in Computer Engg. from VIT, Pune.
I am a System Software Intern at Nvidia, Pune.
I got Google`s scholarship for Android Developer Nanodegree course at Udacity.

I have built several Android Apps. Few are available on Google Play store and few are available on my github page.


  • I have few Android appsin my credit.
    Few of the apps I developed are:

    • FoFoLi: Food For Life is a location based Android app which acts as bridge between food donars and hungry poor people. Anyone having extra fresh food can donate it through this app and one of the nearby volunteers will go to food donar, collect food and distribute to poor hungry people in the vicinity. This is my small step towards hunger elimination from India. Source code available on Github

    • MissU: Finds the missing people using face recognition. Source code available on Github

    • Hajeri: Attendance app for teachers to maintain students` attendance. Source code available on Github

    • Hare Krishna Counter: App to chant and count the Hare Krishna mahamantra for devotees of ISKCON. Source code available on Github

    • Sadhana SMS: App to send the everyday sadhana(devotional practice) sms to counselor for devotees of ISKCON. Source code available on Github

  • I got the Google`s sholarship for udacity`s Android Developer Nanodegree course in March 2016

  • I won "Best Project" award on April 1, 2016 for my Android App Food For Life in I2I state level competition.

  • I conducted two android development workshop for PD club in my college.

  • I know Java, Python, Django framework, MongoDB, C, C++ and C#.

  • I know Android, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and SQLite3.

  • I developed Nine men`s morris game in Python as my 3rd semester miniproject.

  • I also developed health management system using Django framework in Python as my 4th semester miniproject.

  • I also developed an android app - Hajeri as my 5th semester miniproject.

  • I was the technical co-ordinator in Melange `15 - The Annual Inter college Fest of VIT, Pune.

  • I won 3rd prize at state level in I2I social project in 2015.

  • I won two 2nd prizes at state level in I2I social projects in 2014.

  • I volunteered in NSS Camp 2013.